Staying inspired 

is a muscle that needs to be flexed. 



Sustain and maintain your practice

and join me for our weekly

NOWism 'jam' sessions 


Our weekly NOWism online classes are the perfect vibrational tuneup to keep you actively participating in your growth and staying focused on possibilities instead of problems! With different topics each week and a completely organic style of delivery, you will love our open classes and the powerful vibrational support it will bring to your life. Bring your questions, or just bring your ears – maintain your high vibe and activate more of your potential in 2023! 

What is this?

  • 4 weeks (4 x one hour sessions) of NOWism inspiration.  Live and recorded.
  • Open Q&A with Kat Dawes
  • Mindful Life Hacks to continue becoming more of who you really are!  
  • Connection with like-minded kick-ass NOW NiNJAZ! These are individuals who believe in possibilities and are saying YES! to moving towards greater days!  
  • Inspiration and momentum.
  • Recordings of all our sessions. Video & Audio. 


 LIVE CLASSES held on ZOOM starting at the beginning of each month.  The next four session start in....



Session #1. 5th, January 2025, 8am AEST (QLD time)
Session #2. 12th, January 2025, 8am AEST (QLD time)
Session #3. 19th, January 2025, 8am AEST (QLD time)
Session #4. 26th, January 2025, 8am AEST (QLD time)


DEFAULT TIMES unless otherwise notified by Kat:

USA, Los Angeles 2pm OR 3pm (Saturday) DEPENDING ON DAYLIGHT SAVINGS

AUSTRALIA, Brisbane 8am. (Sunday) 

*Times and days may vary - thanks for you flexibility! 


If you cannot attend the live classes you will receive both a video and audio recording of our sessions. 


See you there! ∞ Kat Dawes!


Join me NOW!

High Vibe

 Remember who you really are! Sometimes you just need to be around some high vibes to fill your cup and stay on track.  


Problems or possibilities? 

Learn the power of looking for the potential in ALL situations. Tune your consciousness to the energy of your preferences and become the right condition for your dreams to come true!

Sharpen your tools! 

Become unbotherable by learning different NOWism strategies to surf the ups and downs of life and even become impervious to 'other people's negativity'.