Speaker. Author. Performance Philosopher. Creator of NOWism.
And when it really comes down to it, a lover ofĀ humanity andĀ a reverential participant in
The Present Moment.
Hey there, it's nice to virtually meet you.
When people ask me what I do, it can be tricky to explain. I do what 'I AM' – I am a born inspirer and storyteller. The only 'real job' I ever had was as a dancer/entertainer. The truth is, I created NOWism for me. I craved a style of spirituality that not only would catch my attention, but most importantly keep my attention. I wanted something that could ignite my imagination, keep me frisky about understanding my divine origins, inspire me to unlock my potential, but would also be SO compelling that I would actually stick with the practice. I wanted discipline to magically transform into 'blissipline'. I wanted a Divine Romance and, well eventually, that's what I got.
Today, NOWism is a gift that keeps on giving and although I am ‘the creator’ of it, I am surprised by it every single day. I believe that 'gifts' or 'talents' don't belong to the human but rather they belong to the world. NOWism has secrets, endless layers of depth, wisdom and most importantly humour. Sometimes I create something and only catch the true depths of its meaning later. Sometimes years later!
The unexpected bonus in having devoted my life to this creative, spiritual body of work, is that it has helped thousands of other people around the world. Today I realise that my own curiosity and creativity was like a carrot being dangled in front of me by the divine, which basically 'tricked' me into being in service to something much bigger than my original idea.
I wouldn't change a moment of this magnificent process.
Today, the world needs a new momentum of unity and well being. I think I speak for most humans when I say, good vibes need more airtime in the minds of ALL people. The one thing I know for sure is, global transformation takes place through individuals. That's you and me, here and now – undivided. I look forward to inspiring you into creating a personal culture of conscious participation in the present moment, with a little dash of humour – NOWism.
My life has turned into such a brilliant adventure because of this work and I truly hope that yours does too.
Kat Dawes ∞

Kat Dawes is the founder of a transformational entertainment curriculum called NOWism. She is a Performance Philosopher, Author and Spirituality Coach, known for her dynamic and entertaining teaching style.

What is NOWism?
Taking the essence of ancient mindfulness teachings and translating them into a contemporary, user-friendly practice; NOWism is a modern finger – pointing at ancient wisdom.

I have created a game that assists you to have fun with the ups and downs of growing yourself.
It is a game for your consciousness; a game of vibration.
You train yourself to think and feel more deliberately.
The Game of NOWism teaches you to build spiritual tools for the moments in life where your thoughts and feelings are interrupted by something – often in the external. You know, the plot twists and unexpected interruptions; the distractions and the sudden let downs, not to mention those other people who disrupt your life in negative ways. We all face the internal battle of when someone says something untrue, unjust, or just plain stupid and if you don’t catch it in the moment and shift your reaction to it, #frustration could high jack your entire day and send you into a downward spiral. Later on, after you have followed that vibe all the way to 11pm you ask yourself, was it really worth it?
It never is.
The game isn’t only about putting out the fires of the challenges in your life, it is also about deliberate creation. You dive deep into exploring what you really want in this life and most importantly you discover who you need to become in order for the dream to come true.
Whether you battle with #regrets from the past or #anxiousness about the future, The Game Of NOWism has a tool to assist you to better manage the moments.
A NOW NiNJA develops a series of tools for different situations. It’s like learning a bunch of karate moves with your energy and your thoughts. Quack! Water off a ducks back! DiLiH - drop it like it’s hot. Reflect. Deflect a miserable moment, transmute, reframe, alkalise, alchemise, switch, lift and shift. Reboot. Refresh. Begin again.
The Game of NOWism teaches you to fall in love with the moment, no matter what the moment is. You develop a new relationship with challenges and pain and cultivate a deep respect for your attention, vibration and well being.
The Game of NOWism isn’t a course – it’s a culture. You don't do physical exercise for 6 weeks and then that's you, done for life! It is a practice that turns into a personal culture; a way of turning up in the Present Moment with the intention to maximise your potential.
The NOWism community is a pilot light for high vibes, filled with individuals who are relentlessly fanning the flames of possibilities. And if there is a challenge, they look for a hidden gift and ‘NiNJA’ themselves back into the NOW. It is humbling to see the amount of #love and support that has flowered into expression through this community. The best part is, we are just getting started! I hope you will join us.
Kat Dawes. ∞

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